Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A place to look back on past adventures...

Welcome to my new blog!

So I've been trying finally get around to starting a blog for like a year now, so this is finally it!  I was just talking with Julie the other day about how nice it would be to have an online journal to look back at one day, and read up on all of the adventures life had thrown at me throughout the years... so here it is!!!

Julie your blog was my inspiration.. haha!  You always have such neat adventure stories so it's about time I finally start this!  So here goes nothing!  Check back whenever you like, I'll try to post a few pictures and short updates about where life leads me in my day to day life.  I love comments too so feel free to let me know what you think.  This could be a great way for my family and friends in the lower 48 to see what I'm up to.  I love you and miss you all!

1 comment:

What do you think about this post? Any suggestions for future adventures?