Friday, May 29, 2009

2 Earthquakes in less than a week!

The 3.7 Magnitude Earthquake about a half hour ago

So as was mentioned in the previous blog post... I awoke to a 3.8 magnitude earthquake to start off our Memorial Day roadtrip. Now sitting in my chair watching a movie tonight shortly after 9 PM we had another earthquake! This time 3.7 magnitude. It was enough to shake everything in the room... picture frames, my desk, my bed, the chair I was sitting in. It's a really weird feeling because it starts with this really low rumbling and then gets more intense. It only lasted like 10-15 seconds, but it's a weird feeling... haha... Anywhoooo... hopefully things settle down for a while now, or at least stay less than a magnitude 4. Haha...

The 3.8 Magnitude earthquake last Saturday morning at 5:30 AM


  1. Yea it said 3.5 and then it updated to a 3.7 I was gonna call you but I was like Ill tell ya when u get here. WTF? Hahah. I swear this building better not fall down. Moreso - AK better not be gearing up for a biggie...gah!

  2. ps. At least in both one I was in a safe room - my little office and the bathroom...haha!


What do you think about this post? Any suggestions for future adventures?